A study found that 24 percent of adult wedding guests choose alcohol-free beverages when they celebrate with their family.
A recent study found that many brands are now creating low/no-alcohol drinks. In the UK, 24 percent of wedding guests choose alcohol-free beverages to celebrate their marriage.
The Gilchrist Collection – the UK’s biggest wedding venue – analyzed 2,000 responses to a survey from UK adults in order to determine their drinking habits during weddings.
According to the survey, 47 percent of people who attended weddings in the past five years did not drink alcohol at any of their events.
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The survey revealed that one-quarter of respondents admitted to drinking alcohol at a marriage “just to avoid awkward situations or sharing personal or medical details.”
Results showed that 35 percent felt uncomfortable when asked about not drinking. Fifty-two percent of the sober guests claimed they were offered only water at weddings if they didn’t drink alcohol.
Samantha Gilchrist, CEO of The Gilchrist Collection, has been working with Merlin Griffiths, a barman from the television show First Dates, to create an alcohol-free menu that is “wedding-worthy.”
As a non-drinker, I have often attended weddings or events where the only drink choices were water or soft drinks. This is not fun! Gilchrist said that these drinks were usually served in boring tumblers, which highlighted the fact she didn’t drink.
“I wanted to create something for my venues to cater for guests who don’t drink alcohol and for those who do but also want to enjoy a non-alcoholic alternative. This would allow them to drink something special without being penalized for their choice. Whatever their reason might be.”
We’re seeing a lot of couples in our 12 venues, both here and in the States, requesting sophisticated low and no-alcohol drinks for their wedding. The young are more likely to choose not to drink for a variety of reasons. This is why we teamed up with Merlin to improve our alcohol-free beverage offerings for our couples and guests,” said Gilchrist.
The survey also found that the 18-34 age group was the most likely to refrain from drinking alcohol at events, with 28 percent of respondents agreeing.
The Gilchrist Collection discovered that venues are still falling short in their alcohol-free options, with 81 percent of respondents saying they think wedding planners should provide more opportunities for guests who don’t drink.
Even more wedding venues may be changing their drink menus to include a variety of alcohol-free options that are appealing to guests.