It’s been a little over ten years since we first introduced the Ripple Maker to the market, and we’re often accused of using Photoshop to create the stunning images that we (and our customers around the world) are proud to share.

Our secret is actually the perfect foam. It’s simple once you know it. But velvety smooth foam and glasses full to the top are the essential ingredients to print an ideal beverage or selfie. Here are some of the most effective tips and tricks we’ve gathered over the last decade as we’ve refined our process to create stunning printed drinks and latte art with Ripples. Ripples Foam Printer.


Bartenders have some tricks to add a velvety feel as well as body and flavor to drinks. In the past, egg whites were used to aerate a shake with no ice to create this effect. For those who are seeking a plant-based option, the aquafaba liquid, a liquid made from canned chickpeas, has been gaining recognition.

For foam for cocktails, particularly in the midst of and following the molecular gastronomy revolution in the early ’90s, bartenders have employed gelatin and heavy cream, particularly when they use the ISi Gourmet Whip foam container. To ensure the foam’s structure the addition of a stabilizer such as lemon juice is usually added. The original purpose was to make whipped cream. The iSi foam machine is now a popular choice by bartenders to create a thick, well-distributed foam, changing flavors into a smooth and edible cloud.

Other companies offer nitrogen-infused kegged drinks, which create foam similar to the way you would with Nitro cold brew coffee or Guinness. It is possible to make a request for foamers or make use of the juice of a pineapple.

The possibilities are endless; however, if you’re a novice, we recommend a basic egg white cocktail or even aquafaba as a simple vegan alternative. Dried aquafaba powder is an alternative that’s a readily available and increasingly popular alternative that is available in a variety of regions around the globe.

A trick for you to make an ideal foam to serve with your egg-white and aquafaba drink is to shake dry the cocktail, then shake it wet. Cocktail, and after that, double strain.

  1. Mix all ingredients in the shaker for your cocktail. Cover the shaker and shake for 20 seconds.
  2. Add Ice. Shake for 30 seconds.
  3. Double strain into a coupe or martini glass. Fill it to the top.
  4. Finish by adding it with your Ripples print.

This is the ideal conventional method for standard bar setups. Nitro cocktails served from taps, an atmospheric nitrogen infuser, or an iSi tool are all great options if you’re serving drinks to a large number of people.

Each of these techniques can help you create an ideal foam-topped cocktail to print your drink every time.

Emily is not only our Customer Success Trainer of the Year; she is also our excellent barista and bartender in our house.


Making a perfectly smooth foam latte requires careful attention to detail and the right technique. Use cold, fresh whole milk (3 percent) to get the most optimal results. Whole milk contains a higher fat content, helping to make it creamy and smooth texture.

  1. Prepare your espresso by your usual methods.
  2. Steam extremely fine microfoam.

Fill the steaming vessel with chilled milk. Make use of the steam wand to create an even, smooth microfoam. Make sure to move the pitcher around to form a more dense foam that is placed in the middle of the pitcher.

  1. The milk should be poured in. Slowly pour the steaming milk into the middle of your cappuccino. Shake the steamed milk to ensure that the final amount of foamy milk flows gently onto the glass. Your cup will appear to have a brown halo on the edges. Create the center of your drink as clear as possible to create the perfect “canvas” for your Ripple print. Fill your cup to the top.


A delicious treat, especially during summer, is topping the iced beverage with a delightful soft cold foam. Cold foam is made by frothing milk without heat or steam. It’s perfect for drinks that are iced since it provides sufficient a layer to keep the ice from the Ripples beverage print. It’s smooth and creamy and is a perfect float on the top.

Cold foam is a dense foam made from milk, heavy cream, and (optionally flavored) basic syrup. A blender that is powerful and has high-speed functions is the best choice. However, we’ve seen it made using a hand-held mixer also.


1/4 cup of milk of your preference

1 1/2 to Two teaspoons of simple syrup (we suggest vanilla!)


  1. Combine simple syrup and milk into your mixer.
  2. Frother until it is consistently foamy and has a velvety texture. This can take about three hours (if you don’t own a blender, use hand-frothers)
  3. Pour your coffee over ice. Fill the glass with ice and fill it to the brim.
  4. Top with Ripples


A refreshing ice-cold beer with two fingers perfectly frothy is the ideal opportunity to enjoy a summer evening with your pup. It’s also it’s the perfect canvas to create an image printed on foam. Follow these steps to make your ideal head of beer.

Tips to make the perfect for

  1. Keep your glass at 45 degrees and slowly straighten it while the glass expands
  2. The beer should be poured slowly and slowly
  3. Fill it to the top

Before you pour

  1. Please don’t wash your glass prior to washing it because water decreases the friction of the pour, which results in fewer bubbles.
  2. Dry your hair with tea towels – make sure you select the right cloth to avoid leaving any fluff or dust behind.
  3. Select a glass. Try one called a Tulip that is shaped like a snifter for brandy and created to capture the head and enhance the flavor of malty, hoppy beers. Or, a Wezen glass that is narrow on the bottom and slightly bigger at the top. It can do similar things for wheat beers.


If you follow these steps, you’ll soon be on the way to making foam-topped drinks, which are the ideal backdrop for your printed cocktails as well as the Ripples coffee drink.