What is the Argyll Holidays Food, Drink & Lifestyle
The F.D.L award was that was created through Argyll Holidays to highlight the top Scottish food, drink and Lifestyle blogs.
This exclusive list of hundreds of blogs to the ones that we consider to be the top blogs available online. We hope that you will find your new favorite among our choices. Enjoy!
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Tomatoes is a blog that is run by an Scottish vegetarian who is known as Jacqueline Meldrum. The blog began in 2007 and specializes in vegan and vegetarian dishes along with food and writing. There are over 600 recipes posted on her website to this point. That’s impressive!
She resides in Scotland (duh) together with her husband who is vegetarian and son. She claims she created the blog “Tinned Tomatoes” because most of her family’s recipes began with canned tomatoes. But it also serves an opportunity of how to “be more creative” with her cooking.
Are you interested in trying some vegetarian dishes? Go to Tinned tomatoes!
Edinburgh Foody
Edinburgh Foody was set up in 2010 by Danielle Ellis (a Scot) but it is now run by three women: Caroline von Schmalensee Amy Brewer and Kerry Teakle and Kerry Teakle, who aren’t Scottish.
In the context of Edinburgh as a place that has plenty of options for food and restaurants, this food blog be a factor in what you decide to take your food. Their top-quality reviews should be taken seriously!
The blog is mostly written by Caroline, Amy and Kerry however they do occasionally publish guest posts written by guests.
This blog covers everything food related, from chefs to ingredients, or baking to brewing You’re bound to discover something new!
Scottish Mum
Scottish Mum is an Food and Lifestyle blog run by “Scottish Mum” (funny that!) who hails originally from Aberdeen. Her blog is about anything from parenting to cooking, and blogs regularly.
Scottish Mum is a household name with a large fan base on social media – evidently due to the high quality content she is creating. She is constantly in contact with her followers. So if you post a comment on her site, you can expect to receive a response!
She is a fervent fan of the Scottish food blogging scene. She also includes links to other fantastic blogs on her site.
Foodie Quine
Claire Jessiman, based in Aberdeen and started this blog in 2012. She is a food writer and travel blogger and a mother of two and “wife of one”. She enjoys cooking from scratch and is a huge desire to cook family-friendly dishes.
If you’re not sure what”Foodie Quine” is, (don’t worry, I did too!) it is a translation of “A girl from Aberdeen who is interested in food”.
Her first foodie adventure began as a child when Santa gave her an Brownie Guide Cookbook and her collection of cookbooks has grown since there.
A Wee Bit Of Cooking
An Awee Bit of Cooking blog is website run by Wendy who is a teacher in Scotland’s highlands. Scotland. Wendy claims she loves cooking food, looking for foods that she can grow, eating food!
Her primary focus is on recipes, if you are in need of any ideas you can try
Keep Calm and Fanny On
It could be the most fitting names for blogs about food that we’ve ever seen!
Maintain Calm and Focus This is not your typical food blog. It’s almost an ode to Fanny Cradock, a legendary cook.
Stay Calm, Fanny On incorporates Fanny Cradock’s recipes from the 1970s however, since she is a vegetarian you can make them vegetarian by eliminating all the “meaty” things out!
The goal is to determine how the recipes stand against modern techniques, or if they function in any way!
Foodie Explorers
In 2007, Mark and Emma were called Mr and Mrs Foodie began blogging. They’re now in their second blog after they realized that they are not just covering food, and needed to broaden their options.
Foodie Explorers are based in Glasgow and focus on accommodations lifestyle, travel, and more! The team comprises 8 members (including two cats) each of whom has some input to the blog.